Grinding out another tough afternoon Who’s Bad?
Hopefully nobody gets tired of the roadrunner photos, and if so, get over it. 😉 They are absolutely convinced that they are the coolest birds on the planet (I think so too), and they visit our backyard frequently. I think they get on the wall to look for lizards which are abundant both on our side of the wall and on the other side, which is a sidewalk lined with rocks and bushes (perfect hiding places for lizards). Hopefully they aren’t looking for small schnauzers.
I took the attached photos on Sunday while I was busy slaving over a hot smoker with a brisket in it. You can see how difficult the monitoring process is. The baby monitor looking thing on the ottoman is the smoker monitor that tells me how hot the smoker is and the temperature of the food inside of it. Sometimes I have to get up almost hourly to add wood or adjust the smoker temp, it’s grueling I tell you! And golf tournaments don’t watch themselves, so there I was stuck in front of the PGA Championship for five hours with nothing to do but watch golf, check the monitor and drink refreshing beverages.
It’s a tough job, but, well you know how the rest goes.