About Us

The Front Nine, About to Make the Turn

Dave and Robin were married in 2007, they met each other while working at American Express in Salt Lake City. In terms of marriages, the third time was the charm for both of them. Dave has two grown sons, Will and Ty, one from each of his previous marriages. Robin has three grown children, Chris, Nicole and Travis, all from her first marriage. Dave and Robin are both dog lovers and are the proud human parents of two black Schnauzers, Boston and Jordy.

Dave and Robin’s primary residence for the first eleven years of marriage was in Riverton, Utah, which is about 15 miles south of downtown Salt Lake City. They have almost always maintained a second residence, first in Mesquite, Nevada, and then in St. George, Utah. In July 2016 they decided to make a pretty major upgrade in terms of secondary residences and bought a beautiful home in Ivins, Utah, which is a suburb of St. George. The intention was for this new home to become their retirement residence and they made a concerted effort to reach the goal of early retirement sooner rather than later.

Dave retired in July 2017 and Robin joined him in April 2018, both are in their fifties although Dave is 4 years older than Robin. Dave has always worked toward the goal of an early retirement, even in the aftermath of two divorces he continued to save as much as he could, eat his ramen noodles, and keep a vigilant eye on his investments. After they became a couple, Robin bought into (literally) the early retirement idea as well and together they were able to accumulate assets that should allow them to live comfortably. Neither Dave nor Robin were executives at Amex, they were middle managers the majority of their careers who made a decision to achieve a goal and they did it. Dave carries around a fortune cookie saying that goes ‘A dream is just a dream, a goal is a dream with a plan and a deadline.’

Dave developed a financial plan years ago that he has continuously maintained and modified as needed in order to reach the early retirement goal. Prior to having Robin pull the trigger on her retirement they reached out to a financial advisor for validation of Dave’s plan and to get investment allocation advice. The advisor gave them the green light and Robin quit her job. They sold the home in Riverton and moved to Ivins full time in May 2018.

Dave worked for Amex for 29 years, 3 months, in about a dozen different finance roles. At which point Dave decided that he had put up with way too much crap from his superiors, who were under the impression that he would continue to take on an inordinate amount of responsibility with no acknowledgment of his contributions. So Dave sent an email to his boss one evening that essentially invited her to take his job, and well, you know.

Robin worked for Amex for 30 years and probably held more different roles than Dave in that time. She ended her career with Amex as Director of Global New Product Administration and was extremely well thought of by, well, everyone. She was much more diplomatic and thoughtful to her superiors when she informed them that she was quitting. She gave them a month’s notice, and unlike her husband, was smart enough to stay long enough to collect her annual bonus.

So here we are beginning a new phase of our lives, yeah, the last one. We are going to post photos and blogs of our new experiences and maybe of some of our old ones as well, and we’re inviting you along for the ride.

David Marathon 2016


Dave tries to be very active in his old age, he's run a couple of marathons, rides his road bike with Robin, does interval training workouts 3-4 times a week and golfs (often poorly) almost daily. Dave has discovered that it doesn't suck one little bit not having to get up and go to work anymore. LMAO


I’m Robin, and I am truly passionate about creating a beautiful, thriving home, life and relationship with my loved ones. This is where I plan to share my journey as I navigate life after 50, retired and empty nesting. Perhaps you may find something of value here. Enjoy, YOLO


Boston has been part of our family since 2011, he loves his parents (Dave & Robin) more than anything. He is also the meanest Schnauzer in Southern Utah (to anyone he doesn't love). Boston has diabetes that caused him to develop cataracts. He had cataract surgery in December 2017 and he once again is able to spot from a distance, dangerous senior citizens walking past our backyard wall. Other than not liking his twice daily insulin shots, eye drops, and oral medications, Boston didn't let diabetes prevent him from living a happy, full life. RIP June 16, 2011 - July 18, 2019


Jordy joined our family in 2016 and much like his brother Boston, he loves his parents very much. Unfortunately that does not prevent him from biting said parents on occasion when he feels threatened (or if he just gets a wild hair). He's a bit of an odd little creature, but we love him. Jordy's mission in life is to torment his brother (from another mother), he is the second meanest Schnauzer in Southern Utah and has no idea that he is only slightly larger than your average rat.