The Arrival of Baby Owen

I witnessed the most magical experience any human being can experience, the hours leading up to the birth of a grandchild.  Owen Travis Oliver was born on August 1st, 2019 at 1:26 pm, weighing 7 lbs. 11 oz and 20” in length.  Although I was not present during the actual delivery of Owen, I was there in the room with the parents up to the last hour before delivery as my beautiful daughter in-law prepared herself for the birth of their precious boy.

Handsome in Blue

I am having a hard time writing this blog without getting emotional.  I sat there in the hospital room with the other grandma (her name is Robin too) and our two children for four hours leading up to the time when we were asked to leave the room so the birthing process could start.  The four of us told jokes, reminisced, took pictures, lots of hugging and tons of smiles.  The other grandma and I watched as our two children held hands, kissed each other and reassured themselves that everything was going to be okay.  Just a short time later this little guy, or nugget as mommy calls him, was born.

Yea! Born in time for Shark Week

My son Travis (daddy) came to the guest waiting room shortly after the birth to let the grandmas know everything went well.  I saw him approaching the room and I stood up to meet him as I noticed tears flowing from his eyes.  I held him close as he continued to release his emotions.  This son of mine was so happy to know his wife made it through the birthing process without complications and that he had a healthy little boy. This grandma couldn’t be happier! 

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