September Birthdays

I have two very special people in my life that celebrate their birthday in September.  Kayla Oliver (wife to Chris) turned 28 on September 2nd and Alex Licea (husband to Nicole) turned 29 on September 13th.  They both are near and dear to my heart.

Kayla – Happy Birthday to you.  You have such a nurturing spirit and always have the interest of others before the needs of yourself. You have made such a beautiful family which you should be very proud of.   I love everything about you.  I hope you took time on your birthday to spoil yourself and enjoy the biggest diet Coke you could find.
Hugs and Kisses,


 Alex – Happy Birthday Mi Yerno.  I know you chose to celebrate the big day in Vegas instead of coming to Ivins with your in-laws.  I’m not sure why when you could have golfed with Dave, gambled in Mesquite with Dave, had an adult beverage and cigar on the back porch with Dave, AND watched Sunday football with Dave.  I’m sure you will pick the beautiful town of Ivins next year to celebrate.
Love you tons,
To all of our other children that didn’t get a shout out this year for your birthday (Tyrus – 5/8, Travis – 6/2, Nicole 6/18, Chris – 6/19 and Will – 8/8) there is always next year.

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