Amazing Waterfalls of Gunlock State Park

I promise not to continue boring you with all these amazing places to visit while in Southern Utah, but everyone should witness this rare treat if you happen to be near Gunlock State Park when the falls are flowing.

Gunlock State Park is in the tiny southern town of Gunlock, about 15 minutes from beautiful Ivins, Utah where David and I have landed. The Gunlock Reservoir usually has plenty of water for recreational activities (e.g. kayaking, fishing, boating), the falls only come out to play when the area has received a high level of snow and rain and being that it’s in the desert, the falls don’t happen all that often.  I believe the last time this was witnessed was in 2011, eight years ago.

This is a dog-friendly trek, so you will see fur babies having their best day ever all over the place except if your name is Boston or Jordy.

These waterfalls are breathtaking and are much more impressive in person than in pictures. They are so enormous it’s hard to capture their beauty, you just must see them to believe them.

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