The Toolbox

One of the reasons that I wanted to do this blog with my partner in crime, Robin, was to have an opportunity and a forum to explain how we were able to pull this off, and why. Meaning how were we able to quit our jobs in our fifties, move to a beautiful spot in the southern Utah desert, and live the rest of our lives without getting a paycheck and why we thought that was a good idea.

Knock. On. Wood.

Neither Robin nor I have the luxury of an inheritance from our parents (and just to throw this out there to our kids, neither will you, ;-). What we did have, and still do, is a realization that life is short. We believe that life is to be lived on our terms, not our employers or peers or family or friends, just us. Robin and I often, way too often, have conversations about significant things that we’ve experienced in our lives (and insignificant things) and we guess at how long ago they happened. Almost always, we guess that something that seems like it happened two years ago happened four years ago. Events that we were pretty sure occurred four years ago turn out to have happened eight years ago, and as far as I can tell, neither of us has Alzheimer’s. But we do drink the occasional barley pop. 😉

Memories divide elapsed time in half somehow.

So, over time I’m gonna explain how we were able to pull this off financially. It wasn’t complicated, but it did take discipline. Robin became a willing participant, God bless her, pretty much the only thing that I asked her to do with me when she didn’t get a second opinion (although, I’m pretty sure she did, she’s just not fessing up). I love you, Baby.

Oh, and truth be told, I did inherit something very valuable from my Dad. A Sears Craftsman toolbox, circa 1970, with a bunch of tools that he showed me how to use on a thousand DIY projects and repairs.

Thanks, Dad! And I mean that sincerely.

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